
Chez J2S

Speed up the production of product sheets to increases business efficiency


” 100 sheetsproducts per daySEO optimizedin 10 languages”

The context

** Quais de l’image **operates a manufacturing facility for product sheets designed to meet the e-commerce needs of its customers.

Quais de l’image (QI) industrializes the creation of multilingual product sheets using SEO methods to optimize commercial efficiency.

The challenges


The production of product sheets including photos, marketing texts and technical attributes in multilingual with deadlines with the need to optimize resources.

The scenario


The unprocessed data from the ERP are
integrated into the solution to enable writers to create the texts according to the editorial charter of the client and to enrich the technical characteristics.
In the meantime, the QI Photo Studio receives the physical products, the compliant shots to the graphic charter before submitting the visuals in the platform that are automatically associated with the products. 

The product sheets whose texts are validated by the editors are dispatched depending on the language with the translators.
The solution includes a translation memory: the user saves the translation of a text and and spreads it the remaining text in a selection product sheets.
As a result, this drastically reduces the deadlines including the translation costs, in other words, the translators would be only requested for new texts. Once the status of each production stage has turned green, the customer is asked for a final proofreading.
The validated product sheets are then exported to the back office of the customer’s online store.
The tracking tool allows each party to monitor the progress of production at any time.



“The main advantage of this pre-production PIM is to combine the data
on a common workflow that brings together and coordinates all the participants: from customer product managers, photographers and copywriters to translators, all work in a single tool!”

Aurélien Bernard, CEO of QI

The product sheets

From the creation of content to itstranslation.


The customer is involved in the production process

A custom-made production workflow

(Article from Chez J2S 5/27/2019)