
Chez J2S

Personalized catalogs for sales representatives?

All business people know that a clearly argued proposal is more likely to be positively received. What if we could provide a high-quality PDF publication of the products on offer with each quotation?

That appears ambitious!

The J2S Simple Workspace allows the construction of “personalized catalogs” instantly, saving valuable time for the sales representatives and giving customers and leads the attention they deserve.

However, let us start from the beginning; indeed, it all starts with supply management.

Companies that publish the description of their products and services ( e-commerce websites, catalogs, marketplaces, …) are aware of the extent to which supply management represents a real work, especially as it is recovered through several channels.

Providing sales representatives with a tool for generating a personalized catalogs is another way to fully use this work on the products and services on offer.

An example

First, let us start with a concrete case; a company called “E” publishes e-commerce websites and catalogs, both detailing its B2B offer, targeted at equipment for businesses, with specific uses, collections, materials and sizes, with specific features and often assembled according to specified combinations.

To achieve this, the company manages extensive content: multilingual product descriptions, features, photos, 3d scenes, videos, prices, availability, services and related products, notices, legal notices, configurators, etc. In addition to this work on the content, the company also works on the form: layout, Web interfaces and interactions, online help, etc.

The e-commerce websites and catalogs are connected to all this data which is constantly evolving: improvements, additions and deletions of products, etc.

Describing the company’s offer is a real subject that mobilizes entire teams.

The sales representatives

There is also a sales team, which opens up new possibilities with leads and develops the relationship with customers. Through this work, they deliver quotations and proposals.

Each sales representative is led to argue the value of what he or she is proposing, the quality of products and services, specific terms and conditions, price positioning, etc.

A customized catalog generation tool saves the sales representative from wasting time describing the products for the nth time. It indicates the references, and obtains within a minute a file in which each product is automatically described with all its images, characteristics and legal notices, in a layout adapted to PDF. No more risk of forgetting or making mistakes, we rely on up-to-date data.

As for the customer, he receives an attractive proposal that describes precisely what is being offered.

Generating a customized catalog can be used for other purposes.

It may be desirable in some situations to link the generation of the custom catalog to the quotation system for systematic automation.

Will the custom catalog contain prices, indicate availability, or on the contrary remain neutral? It all depends on what you want to do and the availability of this data.

From a personalized catalog paired with an estimate to a personalized catalog for a customer, there is only one step.

J2S Simple Workspace

The J2S Simple Workspace publishing platform offers a range of customizable tools, ideally designed to make such a tool available for sales representatives, a fact that has been noticed by several of our customers.

Often used to produce creative catalogs, J2S Simple Workspace is also at ease with the automated generation of documents, whether they are printed or in PDF format: product sheets, markup and labels for points of sale, help for sales representatives, parcel, legal documents, books, Smartalog, etc.

Interested in learning more, or would you like a live demonstration?

Contact us ! We look forward to hearing from you.

David Lantier

Business Developer

(Article from Chez J2S 7/21/2020)