
Chez J2S

iOS 8 Update and Digital Publishing Suite

Notice for DPS Users: iOS 8 Update and Your Apps.



Notice from Adobe:

« The Adobe DPS v31.3 release on August 18, 2014 included an update to the v30 and v31 multi-issue viewers that addressed a major problem with DPS running on iOS 8 beta. DPS customers wishing to support iOS 8 must rebuild their apps to v30 or v31 and submit an update to Apple before iOS 8 is released. Failure to update apps will result in DPS apps not functioning properly when iOS 8 is released. If you currently have a v30 or v31 app in the app store, please make sure it was built after August 18. »

When rebuilding your applications, if you make use of the “auto hiding of the vertical folio scrollbar” option in App Builder, you need to address a bug recently discovered with this functionality. You must uncheck the “Enable auto hiding of the vertical folio scrollbar” option in App Builder to enable the feature. More information can be found on the Adobe DPS Bug Fix Release Notes page (see “Important: Update apps prior to iOS 8 release”).


(Article Chez J2S du 31/7/2014)