
Chez J2S

How to improve the translation of your marketing material?

The production of print media is an essential part of your marketing and communication strategy, and is also a very effective sales tool. For those of you who are or plan to be active abroad, the translation of your documents is a must-have process.

Below is an overview of the key success factors for your multilingual materials:

  1. The quality of the translation is essential to the relevance of your message and the credibility of your company. The vocabulary is often technical and the intercultural dimension must be taken into account. That is why you will use professional translators who will avoid misinterpretation. Some translation mistakes have remained engraved in our memories. How to avoid complicating the process?  

  1. In order to guarantee the publication of your document on time and maintain the fluidity of the process
    , it is essential that the integration between each translator (almost as much as the number of languages in which the message is to be published) is integrated into the project production by reducing the number of exchanges between the different project team members. The solution you will use must therefore either allow online work or give access to an Excel document that will be reintegrated directly into the document. But the layout that has been created to serve the company’s visual identity must be preserved.
  2. Respect your visual identity whatever the language of publication: your creative document has been designed by your communication department or your service provider agency, taking into account your graphic charter and your various commercial goals. It is therefore essential that the translation respects this layout, the location of slogans, technical descriptions and photos. However, a text does not necessarily cover the same space from one language to another. The translator must be able to adapt the size of text areas and images, without breaking the flatplan and layout to keep the original speech powerful.
  3. Start from the original to keep the speech powerful. If you want to go international, translating your business documents is an excellent way to develop your brand image abroad and therefore your target market. At the same time, if you are a subsidiary of a foreign group and your original creative documents are in a foreign language, it is ideal to translate them from the master document. Indeed, the language has been the most developed in terms of discourse, and therefore the direction that will have to be given in different languages.

Publish-In is developed to answer all these issues. Please contact us for a presentation of our solution 


(Article from Chez J2S 8/28/2019)
