
Chez J2S

How about using parcels in your communication?

Relaunch through communication

According to Jean-Luc Chetrit, Director General of the French Trademark Association: “The relaunch will be achieved through communication 1.

To generate turnover quickly, advertisers will compete more than ever to attract the attention of consumers with, for a few months more, a communication that is more commercial, promotional than inspirational.

Moreover, consumption patterns are changing with new purchasing habits that have been established and could continue to do so 2.

Online sales are exploding: +19% over the entire first quarter and +100% in the last 15 days of March 3. Brands such as Lapeyre, Point.P, etc., are organizing themselves to intensify the practice of click & collect.
The physical distance required by the current situation is transforming the entrance to stores with growing queues.
These physical points of contact are the opportunity to engage in conversation at a time when the consumer’s mind is more receptive.

Monoprix has understood the challenge by offering its Queuing Gazette every Friday 4.

Parcels: privileged points of contact

As a physical object, a parcel delivered or taken away is a means of entering into a relationship with your customers to convey targeted messages in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations.

Traditional distance selling companies already generate additional revenue by monetizing parcel or boxes 5 from non-competing companies.

This is a good time to further exploit this principle in order to enhance your own offers to your customers!

The major issue for a relevant content personalization is the knowledge of its target. Without going so far as to predict changes in customers’ lives, as Target has been able to do 6, you can personalize your documents based on loyalty programmes, purchase histories, abandoned products in shopping baskets on your merchant site, and so on.

As “digital content is consumed through the screen, which becomes a bottleneck full of competing messages and applications 7, printed communication becomes an increasingly forgotten differentiating factor.

Taking actions

Wondering how to make your supports? The collaborative platform published by J2S, Simple Workspace, is there to help you!

Accessible in SaaS, Simple Workspace democratizes the production of media intended for print. From the traditional catalog in creative mode to the 100% automated without forgetting the hyper-customized catalog (the case study:  Smartalog: how to increase in-store traffic ), Simple Workspace simplifies the publishing process.

Following the example of Lapeyre (The case study: Industrializing the production of labels in-store ), give your points of sale the power to create product sheets, flyers, and mini-catalogs based on their stocks while respecting the graphic charter of your brand.

You might consider expanding your documents to enrich them with additional content! Depending on your needs, you can offer recipes, explanatory notes, videos, etc. Finaly connect your printed documents to digital thanks to Simple Workspace which is natively connected to Argo’s Augmented Reality solution.

What if you slip a personalized publication into your parcels to enrich your customers’ experience?


Richard Loubéjac
Co-founder of J2S

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  5. Definitions can be found at  ↩︎

  6. How Companies Learn Your Secrets ↩︎

  7. ” Catalogue as tool for reinforcing habits: Empirical evidence from a multichannel retailer “, Tanya Mark et al, International Journal of Research in Marketing 36, 2019. ↩︎

(Article from Chez J2S 6/24/2020)