
Chez J2S

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From writing to layout After homo sapiens invented farming 1, he quickly realized that it was complicated to rely strictly on his memory. Indeed, as exchanges multiplied, how could they keep their accounts up to date? This is how writing was born. We wrote on wax tablets, on papyrus 2, even on parchment rolls. Very quickly, it was no longer just a matter of managing one’s accounts, but also of writing stories. The same person holds all the roles: the author puts his own text on the page; and to disseminate it, it is necessary to recopy, recopy, recopy 3… Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 9/3/2021)
The role of a software editor is also to plan for future developments. This often leads to incremental improvements and sometimes to more significant revisions. When preparing the J2S concept in 1999, we identified the need to rewrite the software every 3 years. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 7/19/2021)
While rereading my last articles, I came across the following sentence: – I would like to automate the layout of my documents with Simple Workspace, but how does it work? Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 7/12/2021)
In the previous article entitled Building an offer, step 1 , we presented a functional approach to model offer sheets according to their use: web, email, RS, catalog, flyer, tags, labels, etc. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 7/5/2021)
The analysis of a recent client project in the world of B2C sales reminded us of the extent to which images are at the heart of e-commerce. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/28/2021)
Again and again, there is not a day that goes by without someone asking me: – I would like to automate the layout of my documents with Simple Workspace, but how does it work? Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/21/2021)
We regularly refer to the notion of offer. By this word, we mean what constitutes a company’s offer, i.e.: the products and services offered to its market on which it communicates. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/14/2021)
Not a day goes by without someone asking me: – I’d like to automate the layout of my documents with Simple Workspace, but how does that work? Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/30/2021)
Merchant website The quality of the products offered by your website reflects the commitment of your company towards its customers. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/25/2021)
Print and digital books in education Digital book reading is on the rise 1: more than a million more readers in 12 months, which brings to more than a quarter the number of French people who have already read a digital book. Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/17/2021)