
Privacy Policy

Legal notice

RCS Lille B 424 250 520
SIRET 424 250 520 00030
NII FR 22 424 250 520
APE 5829C

Privacy policy

J2S undertakes, in the context of its activities and in accordance with the legislation in force in France and Europe, to ensure the protection, confidentiality, and security of its customers’ personal data, and to respect their privacy.

The purpose of this policy is to remind you of our principles and actions to ensure compliance with applicable personal protection regulations.

This policy (the “Policy”) details the privacy policy of J2S (“the Company”).

This Policy is intended to inform you about the processing of personal data by J2S and the rights you have.

The Company reserves the right to change this policy at any time. We will notify you of any significant changes to our privacy policy by providing you with the new version when it comes into effect.

Last updated: this Policy was updated on 1 December 2018.


  1. General information
  2. Exercise of the rights of the data subjects
  3. Personal data management by J2S

General information

The personal data concerning you are processed by the company J2S, SARL with a capital of 500,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Lille under number 424 250 520, whose registered office is located at DOGE B, 4 Avenue des Saules, 59160 Lille, France.

The Company may collect your data and may collect and process personal data communicated by users, in particular when browsing the Site, creating an account on our Site, and placing orders.

Exercise of the rights of the data subjects

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978 as amended and European Regulation 2016/679 on data protection, you have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit, and transfer your personal data.

You also have the right to object to using this data for commercial prospecting purposes. Finally, you have the right to define general and specific directives defining how you intend to exercise these rights after your death.

You may exercise these rights at any time by contacting the Company:

by mail sent to J2S, 4, avenue des Saules DOGE B 59160 Lille, France; by e-mail to . These requests must be accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the signature of the person exercising his right. A response will then be sent to you within one (1) month of receiving your request.

If you believe that J2S is not complying with the applicable law, you have the right to file a complaint with the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) .

Personal data management by j2s

Personal data collected

We may collect your personal data when:

you communicate them to us on our website; you are browsing our website (cookies); you or your company enter into a contract with the Company; telephone or e-mail exchanges take place between you and us; you give us your business card; you consult or participate in our activity on social networks; you send us accounting documents. The optional nature of the data is, where applicable, indicated to you at the time of collection. Refusal to provide mandatory data may lead to the restriction or prohibition of a feature or service.

Communication through our Site

When you fill in a form on our Site, we collect personal data.

J2S can thus collect and process your full name, e-mail and postal addresses, and company name.

Finally, when you visit pages on the Site, the Company’s servers automatically recognize the IP address of your computer (this is the number that identifies each computer connected to the Internet. The IP address takes the following form: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) or the UDID of your phone (this is a number that identifies the phone model that is connected to the Internet. The UDID which consists of forty characters).

Conclusion of a contract with J2S

When concluding a contract with J2S, we collect personal data.

In this context, we collect your first and last name, e-mail address, position, telephone number, and company name.

Telephone or electronic exchanges

During telephone or electronic exchanges between you and J2S, we collect personal data. In this context, we collect your full name, e-mail address, position, telephone number, and company name.

Business cards

When you provide J2S with a business card, we collect personal data.

In this context, we collect your first and last name, e-mail address, position, telephone number, and company name.

Social networks

When you consult our activity on social networks or participate in operations organized by us on social networks, we collect personal data.

In this context, we may collect your first and last name, e-mail address, position, telephone number, and company name.

Contractual relations

In the context of the execution of the contracts concluded with J2S, we collect personal data.

In this context, we collect your full name, e-mail address, position, telephone number, company name, invoices, customer ID, expense reports, and bank records.

Purposes of data collection

The personal data we collect is used:

For customer relationship management purposes (surname, first names, postal and e-mail address, position held, company name, telephone number). This processing is carried out in the context of the execution of the contract. For commercial prospecting purposes (surname, first names, postal and e-mail address, position held, company name, telephone number). This processing is carried out in the context of the legitimate interest of the Company. For financial management purposes (surname, first names, postal and e-mail addresses, position held, company name, telephone number, invoices, customer ID, expense reports, bank records). This processing is carried out in the context of the execution of the contract. For support management purposes (surname, first names, e-mail address, position, company name, telephone number, customer ID). This processing is carried out in the context of the execution of the contract. In addition, your data may be used, subject to your rights, to inform you by e-mail of the services and offers offered by J2S.

Storage of personal data

The data will be kept for the duration of the contractual relationship and 10 years after the end of the contractual relationship for respect to legal obligations, for archiving and litigation management purposes (5 years for support).

In accordance with its legal obligations, the Company also keeps the data relating to connection to the Site for a period of 12 months from the date of registration.

Recipients of personal data and transfers

The personal information provided is intended for the Company.

These personal data may be transmitted or consulted by third-party companies (subcontractors) that the Company uses for the performance of certain services, such as:

The service providers responsible for the operation of the Site; The service providers responsible for hosting the Site; External accounting departments, responsible for financial control or involved in the management of the Company’s accounts; The publishers of the solutions used by the Company in the context of data processing (customer relationship management and financial management). The recipients of personal data may also be public or non-public bodies, exclusively to meet our legal obligations, court officers, and judicial officers. These service providers are contractually bound to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data collected by the Company and may not, under any circumstances, use them for any purpose other than the performance of the services entrusted to them by the Company. In addition, these service providers may only act on instructions from the Company.

In general, the Company undertakes not to share your personal data with third parties without your permission, except in the event that regulation or an administrative or judicial decision requires it.

Data security and confidentiality

J2S makes every effort to preserve the confidentiality and security of the personal data processed and to prevent it from being distorted, damaged, destroyed, disclosed, altered, lost or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

In order to prevent any unauthorised access or dissemination and to preserve the integrity of the personal data collected, the Company has put in place state-of-the-art technical and organizational security measures, such as protection of physical access to the processing, implementation of a user authentication process, logging of connections, encryption of data, etc.

Note: Only the French version of J2S’s Privacy Policy is binding and constitutes an obligation on the part of J2S.