
Automate all your documents

Generate all your media with Simple Workspace

Automatically create all your communication media from your text and image data feed. Automate your workflow to quickly produce a ready-to-use document - save time!
Catalogues & brochures
Create a catalogue of products or services in no time, with internal and external stakeholders efficiently involved in the production workflow!
Product & technical data sheets
Create product data sheets on the fly using data from your information systems and localized according to your target markets!
Books, magazines & journals
Automate the generation of page layouts for your books and take advantage of a “digital first” approach to cut the production time for your print and digital publications in half!
In-store point-of-sale displays & labels
Create in-store communication media (posters, labels, etc.) for your points of sale in line with your company’s branding!
Collection plans & overviews
Unleash your teams’ creativity by automatically creating and updating your collection plans by linking them to your PLM data!
Got a specific project in mind? Our experts are here to help. Connect your data, involve your staff and service providers with our collaborative solutions… We have a solution for you!

Increase your ROI by optimizing how you produce your publications

Save time in production!
Start with a standard format
Integrate your data and automate your production

Automate your documents with Simple Workspace

Here are the 7 key steps required to automate your media with your data. For more details on these 7 steps, ask for our free white paper on this page.
InDesign templates
  • Graphic design specifications
  • Choice of templates
data workflows
  • Data-model specifications
  • Form and workflow implementation
Document generation
  • Catalogue, brochure, flyer
  • In-store point-of-sale display & label
  • Collection plans & overviews…
Proofreading cycle
  • Annotation
  • Edition & personalization
  • Fine-tuning
Translations & versioning
  • Translation workflow
  • Localization
  • Versioning
Ready-to-use documents
  • Output formats: PDF, InDesign, JPEG, Excel…
  • Print ready
User assistance & support
  • Help with getting started
  • Production assistance
  • Support

White paper

Read all about the 7 steps in our free white paper!

Ask for a demo of Simple Workspace