
Chez J2S

Dealing with business flow obsolescence using Simple Workspace

As a solution provider, this is a central issue: obsolescence. This concerns, for example, the machines, operating systems, or technical components we use to run Simple Workspace. Some of this work – hardware, network, Internet access, etc. – is taken care of by our provider OVH.
This means we have to manage the rest; it’s an ongoing job that guarantees a reliable and secure installation in line with the state of the art in the profession.

One of the big advantages is that we have no choice. For security reasons, we have to update the components we use and the operating systems, which means that we regularly have to review certain operating methods of Simple Workspace. As I often used to say: “When you don’t have any choice, making up your mind is much easier”.

When we set up Simple Workspace in a new company such as a traditional retail chain, I’m often surprised by the complexity and obsolescence of the processes.

I am aware that this is due to historical reasons. Traditionally, the company only used paper catalogs to sell its products. Today, the catalog is just one of the means. In addition, international expansion, for example through external growth, has made it necessary to share solutions with subsidiaries. Not to mention countless other good reasons.

The company’s organization has become highly fragmented, with several layers added one on top of the other. Data is no longer stored in its complete context, with progressive departures over time having diluted knowledge.

Obsolescence may concern certain parts of the system. But I’d say the whole system is out of date. Once you’ve reached that point, you don’t dare to touch anything else because you’re afraid the whole structure will collapse.

Updating these workflows is a highly complex issue. Companies tend to hesitate because of the risk, the cost, the organizational changes, and the human impact.

Until there’s no turning back…

Implementing Simple Workspace is an opportunity to rethink the organization of workflows.

The first step in the process is to document the organization’s history. It is not uncommon at this stage for the organization to be challenged. The centralization of offer management with Simple MOM encourages the standardization of data collection. And for the Print channel, the implementation of Simple Brief naturally leads to the tool being adopted by all the company’s departments…

The cherry on the cake is that Simple Workspace’s functional modularity makes it possible to work in batches to limit risks and control costs.

All good reasons to stop wasting time and money.

Are you interested in learning more? Contact us : we’ll be pleased to help.

Jean-Yves Jourdain

Cofounder of J2S

Jean-Yves Jourdain
(Article from Chez J2S 5/5/2023)