
Chez J2S

5 tips to make your customers adopt your working tools!

Sharing the same working tools between advertisers and agencies makes it easier to provide digital workflow change support. But before recommending your current software platform, are you really sure of its added value?

Discover our 5 tips to make sure your solution is easy to adopt by your customer!

Tip n°1: Ensure easy integration

Simplify the deployment of a prepress production and proofreading tool for your partner by using an open application. Extensive compatibility with the main software on the market (InDesign…), support for preexisting DTP files and the possibility of importing office data directly (or even ERP and PIM data) are essential functionalities.

Tip n°2: Choose a powerful collaborative tool

The main objective of a common premedia solution must be to facilitate your exchanges with the customer. Therefore, make sure that tools for maximal collaboration (annotations and comments on any type of document, history of data changes and conversations…) are present in the solution you are putting forward.

Tip n°3: Always opt for the intuitive

Support your customer’s digital change management by offering a platform that is truly intuitive, ergonomic and fun to use. A very clear interface which allows to visualize in real time the progress of the project (with direct access to the flatplan), while the main actions have to be realized as micro-tasks.

Tip n°4: Keep an exit door open

The solution you recommend is perfect for you, but what about your client, is it adapted to their own workflow? To avoid unpleasant surprises, offer a trial tool (if possible free of charge) for a long enough period. This also facilitates a stress-free appropriation by your partner.

Tip n°5: Don’t forget security!

To maintain confidentiality of your exchanges, suggest an application to your customer that allows you to finely configure the reading and correction authorizations related to each document. This rights management must notably support the creation of extended working groups, which are necessary for a full collaboration between all the prepress competences of your 2 organizations. 5 key elements are to be taken into account to share with your customer the same software solution dedicated to preproduction media. The chosen tool must provide high integration, a large collaborative dimension, an intuitive working environment, a consistent trial period and advanced document security management.

(Article from Chez J2S 7/28/2017)